Advisory Committee

The Advisory Committee for the IFAA Programme was established in August 2003. The Committee, which comprises prominent leaders in the insurance industry, helps ensure that the programme provides students with a good all-round education and training and equips them to meet the day-to-day challenges of the insurance industry. The membership of the Advisory Committee as of August 2022 is as follows.

Mr. Kevin LEE CEO
i-Brilli Holdings Limited



Mr. Roddy ANDERSON Chief Executive and Local Controller
Hong Kong Branch
Scottish Widows Ltd. (parts of Lloyds Banking Group)
Mr. Paul CARRETT Head of APAC, Reinsurance
Brookfield Asset Management
Mr. Sai-Cheong FOONG Group Head of Technical Assistance Advisory Team
AIA Group Limited
Ms. Cathy HWANG Principal & Consulting Actuary
Milliman Limited
Mr. Lawrence LAI Appointed Actuary
HKMC Annuity Limited
Mr. Kelton LAM Executive Director, Business Development Actuary
RGA Reinsurance Company
Hong Kong Branch
Mr. Stuart LECKIE, OBE, JP Chairman
Stirling Finance Ltd.
Ms. Christie LEE Senior Director, Head of Analytics
A.M. Best Asia-Pacific Limited
Mr. Tak LEE General Manager, Structured Solutions,
Life & Health Greater China,
Munich Re, Hong Kong.
Ms. YN LEE Chief Financial Officer
FuSure Reinsurance Company Limited
Dr. Sim Kheng NG Chief Controller, Group Finance, 
Mr. Jeremy PORTER FWD Group Holdings Limited
Mr. Ellick TSUI Deputy Chief Executive Officer & Chief Financial Officer
FTLife Insurance Company Limited
Mr. Billy WONG Executive Director
Gain Miles Group
Mr. Jonathan ZHAO Managing Partner, Asia-Pacific Financial Services Strategy and Transaction Services


Ex Officio Member:
Prof. Tao SHU Chairman
Department of Finance
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Prof. Albert WONG Associate Professor
Department of Finance
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

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